About Us

Sildenafil for Viagra

  We have been helping our Western Pennsylvania Area patients with an “Alternative Rx” for Sildenfil instead of Viagra® and allowing them to save their hard-earned money for over a year now and received many thanks from these patients. As a result of our local advertising, we have received many patient requests for Sildenafil from Eastern Ohio and the surrounding areas and have be able to help them as well now.

We have now decided to expand and bring our Sildenafil advertising into to the Eastern Ohio region so that many more people will be able to take advantage and SAVE UP TO $50 per dose over their Viagra® Rx.  

Sildenafil for Viagra Greenville Medicine Shoppe

Our Friendly Staff –
Always Ready To Assist You

The Medicine Shoppe in Hermitage is a modern, independent pharmacy striving to assist our valuable customers and bring you everyday low prices on popular generic drugs. We take pride in helping our customers to better their healthcare while saving them money when the opportunity presents itself.

We always strive to provide friendly, competent, and quick service to all of our customers. We have a knowledgable, well-trained staff with pharmacists that take the time to address every customer’s concerns. We give back to the community often with contributions to our schools, churches and other community involved activities.